My first Rollercoaster

The first rollercoaster I ever rode

My thoughts on Hollywood Studios (Pre Toy a Storyland)

I've spoken about all three of Walt Disney World theme parks. So now it's time for my thoughts on Hollywood Studios, pre toy story land. Sometimes described back when we visited as a half day park, holds three insanely popular rides that the wait times always seemed huge. Tower of Terror, Rock 'n' rollercoaster and … Continue reading My thoughts on Hollywood Studios (Pre Toy a Storyland)

10 years of Alton Towers

2019 marks the anniversary of my first trip to Alton Towers. In 2009 my secondary school announced it would be getting rebuild and branded as an academy. I was the last year to graduate before it became the academy and because of this they decided to take us all to Alton Towers. (Super blurry photos … Continue reading 10 years of Alton Towers